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Oh man! I'm really not able to "just make rough sketches to save time" haha ^^'

Remember when I said that part 3 is going to be rough sketches to save time? Well, I definitely didn't do that but basically made full line art pieces with multiple expressions, cum alts and dialogue!
That's also why I had to split part 3 into multiple parts. This is actually only one third of what was planned, so there will come more pounding in the next part (or 2 parts). Hopefully this time I'll finish it sooner though, because I've already done some big chunks of it

I'm very happy it turned out this nicely, but I'm also sorry that this took so long because of it. I hope it's worth the wait though 

Thank you all so much for your support and your patience! Have a wonderful day

(The ZIP file contains all the images you see here, including the textless alts)



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