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there is now 130 reactions of South Park on patreon! Sorry haha

ATTENTION £1.00 $1.50 PATRONS you need to switch over to the £2.00/ $3.00 tier to see reactions! 


Micah Spiese

The TRUEST episode EVER! When little league starts, it's after school towards the end of the school year, that's fine. When the second half of the season is over summer vacation, it loses the allure. And yes, the parents get into these fights all the time. Also, all the CO places they go to are spot on. Pueblo has a large Mexican and Central American population and Greeley is kinda the boonies, where you go for the Meth, stay because of the horrible Meth addiction you've developed. Also, did you recognize Kenny without his coat? (The dirty blonde kid sitting inbetween Butters and Kyle at the pizza place.


Did you notice Kenny with the sideways hat.