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Randy starts an OFs and The  boys just want Cred 

REMINDER for those on the 1$ tier, you need to switch over to the 2$ tier to see the new content! 


Lee Dellbridge

I'll have to skip this for now as I've not seen it (don't have Paramount +) but I'll come back and watch it when I can.


Why dont you watch it here. You dont need a watch along version. Then you dont have to pay for paramount


Could you upload to bitchute again please Paul? Its the only way i can stream to my tv for some unknown reason. If you cant be arsed dont worry like

Lee Dellbridge

Because I believe in paying for content. Plus I never watch reactions to something I haven't seen myself first.


But you are, youre paying for patreon lol. Fair enough though mate, you do you was just curious


Ahh, im with you. Fair enough, dont worry about it then mate ill watch on my tablet its much easier than you messing about just fpr the sake of me but thank you.

John Krynak

Is this a new episode? I am usually on top of new South Park content.


I just wanna say this to you paul (maybe cause i've had some beers :) ) but merry christmas to you and to you all on the patreon

Red Beerd

This was great. You should think about hitting pause whenever you wanna say something longer; I feel like you miss out on a bunch of jokes and stuff by just talking while the video plays. Loving the new facecam cropping though ; )

Drew Austin

Love what you said about not accepting sponsors that you don’t use because it’s disingenuous. Anyone with half a brain can tell when a creator doesn’t actually use the product they’re promoting and it’s super off putting.