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South Park 6x1 REACTION

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This makes me think of the season 2 finale of The Office, where Michael says he hopes to live in a world one day where people can make jokes about AIDS. The first reported case of AIDS was in 1981, though, and this South Park episode came out in 2002, so technically they didn't wait long enough! This episode has never been my favorite and is harder to watch now that we know Jared's a pedophile... I do like that they show Jared beating a dead horse, because IMO the aides/AIDS joke gets old very quickly, but him beating the horse (sort of) makes it funnier again. But the intro is much better than last season's, thank god. Also, Butters' parents are the absolute worst (well, along with Cartman), and I kind of feel bad for laughing. I still laugh, though. The switch from Kenny to Butters was weird for me at first, but Butters is now my favorite character of the series.


All the stuff about Jared wasn't known to public the time the episode aired. The creators just did it to troll him and the commercials, but this aged well. Also Eric pretending to be Butters is a classic.