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Dennis grows as a person and leaves?! WHAT! 


Sunny 12x10 REACTION

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Lee Dellbridge

I think Glenn had A.P. Bio starting but also a little burnt out. So yeah without spoiling things expect to have some none Dennis episodes in season 13.

Luke Trottier

My personal take (just also sharing mine) on the no spoiler aspect, I'd provide Geordie with the context that not long before this episode aired, people thought Dennis wouldn't be back. It wasn't 100% clear if it was forever, but it was implied it was possible. Then this finale airs, and none of us know precisely what to expect going into the next season.

Ryan Herman

Fwiw it’s worth Charlie banged 3 people durning the course of the show so far, Dee, the waitress, Ruby Taft (Alexandra Daddario’s character), and banged the woman before the show that had the kid in “Charlie wants an Abortion”