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South Park season 4x12 REACTION

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Joe Comohoyos

This was the first episode I ever saw. I was 10 and even today I see it like I did back then

Jesse Pollack

The kindergarten bit was a parody of the 2000 American election between Bush and Gore. The undecided kid's name was Flora because Florida was the state that decided the election by less than 600 votes, and ultimately the supreme court decided who won like a month later.

Will Fly

This was WAYY before Biden and Trump. This about the electoral college, and hoe Florida is a deciding state. It's weird and very American. But Florida is a deciding state, and they were very lukewarm in their vote at the time


A private firm conducted a hand vote and determined Gore would have won, Either way the electoral college is an outdated and to put it plainly racist system. It allowed states to count slaves as 3/5 of a person for population counting but of course they weren't allowed to vote. Honestly, the entire electoral was a way to make the slave trade more money.

Russian Paul

to be fair al gore ran an awful campaign and it shouldn't have been so close that he lost by just hundreds of votes. whatever shenanigans they were pulling in Florida, both parties are owned by the same corporations which lowers enthusiasm and turnout. gore should've been able to carry other states but it went down to florida and those "hanging chads" or whatever they were blaming it on lol

Joe Comohoyos

Without the EC, then the only states whose votes matter are the ones with greater population. Basically California and NY. You would exclude everyone else’s vote outright. The real threat and racist system is mail in voting.

King of Rivia

Everything you said is wrong. Mail in voting is actually safer than traditional voting because there is an extra authentication step. I always vote by mail so no mystakes are made unlike those voting machines. Secondly abolishing the electoral college should really be happening since its not states i want to elect the president its the people. And your argument is actually proofably wrong. If we abolish the electoral college now due to the way its votes are distributed the states with a lot of population actually loose influence and the states with less population gain influence. Its quite simple if california or texas vote one way, more than likely atleast 45% of their votes re uncounted and just turned int the opposite direction. With a popular vote those votes get transfered directly so the count is very close to 50/50 and the minor states residence always carry the tie breaking votes. With the current electoral college california will always be democrat and those electoral votes make it very hard for a republican to win, with a popular vote system tćalifornia will result in atleast 30% republican vote. You get what im trying to say im struggling to explain. A popular vote is a much more efficient and just system of electing our president. I have nothing against the senate and senators being from each state equally i think that is MORE than enough state representation the president shoukd always be decided by the citiziens directly. And if we implemented multi candidate voting we could even have 3. party presidents. Since voting for a third party candidate is no longer throwing your vote away because if he does not receive the required majority your second vote will count and your vote isnt invalidated. Thats the way we do it here in Germany first vote is for a person (who very often looses if not one of the most popular partys) and the second vote is for a party in general. So there are often great surprises in store since you can use your first vote to elect the most promising person even without party affiliation. It happens rarely but when it does its great.