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Turns out things CAN get worse for Cricket! 


Sunny 10x3 REACTION

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Will Fly

That was just some random "undesirable" at the end. America has a storied tradition of buying bus tickets for people we want out of our town. It's kind of like the beginning of "First Blood". People act like they're doing the person a favor, but really they're just fast-tracking the person out of town.

Jon Masnari

And America has swung hard towards providing almost no facilities for those with serious mental illness. What a lot of people don't know is that the system previously was heavily abused to put people in these facilities and medicate them to all hell, who didn't need to be in them. Husbands could commit their wives, family could commit the "black sheep", etc. Heck, even the IRS has had people committed and medicated into a stupor so they can raid their assets(Frank Amodeo). And we can't forget the Kennedys had a daughter lobotomized to get her out of the public light. Suffice to say, America doesn't have much in the way of properly dealing with this sort of thing, especially, in veterans.

Jay Willis

"you haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!" is an all time classic line from Dennis. I always feel so bad for Pete in this episode. For years they built him up as this truly psychotic former member of the gang and then you find out it was basically Charlie and Mac spreading rumors and making people afraid of the guy, to the point that he gets crippling anxiety and depression. :(