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SO as some of you may know the UK is on its arse currently, everything is going up in price here, and affording to live is actually impossible for a lot of us and I am struggling financially 

HOWEVER I did make a promise I wouldn't increase my prices on patreon AND I am keeping that promise, nothing is changing in price on my Patreon, I want EVERYONE to be able to afford the content, but with the increase of living I am now looking for another job

I like to be as open with you all as I can, and just wanted you all to know. I am actively looking now so the content will still be coming but when I do find a job it MAY slow down a little, obviously, it won't stop I love making content for you all, It is literally the only thing I have keeping me sane right now and I am grateful to you all but with the way things are going after covid and this shambles of a government I need to provide for my family as best I can and right now I can't with YouTube and Patreon alone, I am forever grateful for all of your support and patience, some of you have become friends of mine, and I am super appreciative of you and that friendship. We all go through tough times and I am glad I have you all with me during mine! 

EDIT to the people who have increased their tiers THANK YOU so much, means a lot, I wasn't expecting that, nor is it necessary! Thank you for your support you'll never know how much it means to me! 

I hope you are all doing well and I have new content coming tomorrow! 



It's good man. Take care and I hope everything works out. 🫂

Lee Dellbridge

Yeah I fully understand. It's madness that we are in such a state. It's been a shite 3 years pretty much. All the best in job hunting!

Gemma R

That's what I like most about you Paul you are a father first before anything else. You gotta do what you gotta do. I'm just sorry that you have to work even harder. Let's hope it's only for a bit and that things will EVENTUALLY get better for us Brits and pretty much everyone worldwide. I think everyone globally is feeling the crunch with the snowball that has been the past few years. Just remember Paul you are stronger than you think you are and you can get through this. 💪.




Relatable 😔 wishing you luck from American university

David Cleveland

Man someone as humble and overall swell such as yourself deserves to at very least be financially comfortable. Really pulling for you in these trying and uncertain times


All good man, just came from the store and 90% of shit has gotten more expensive. Shits brutal. All the best man, good luck searching, we’ll always be here for ya! ❤️

Needless Noise

love ya paul, you're a light in these dark times. <3