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2 episodes and a movie. Taking a couple of days away, in therapy and need a break, content is still uploading though! 


South Park 2x17 REACTION

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Will Fly

Wait...what's so bad about Rob Reiner?

David Cleveland

Hopefully you can get these video blocking shenanigans sorted with the newest Harley Quinn reaction before you take some much needed time off. More importantly I hope the therapy and time off does you wonders! Take care, good sir! :)

Mr Kitty

Currently Starbucks is union busting in the most nuts ways possible. As of today: "Starbucks union workers in South Carolina confronted a manager on video. Employees say the company suspended them and closed the store. The manager filed charges with local police alleging assault and kidnapping against workers at the store." The video disproves the manager's lies. SMH