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Dee hits the big time! Right?!  


Sunny 9x1 REACTION

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Jay Willis

Probably my favorite season opener and in my top 5. so good. Poor Dee, that dumb bitch.

Will Fly

That guy you said was in Cobra Kai was also in the Borat movie as Borat's assistant. BTW, that wasn't Conan O'Brien, but a really good voice actor.


Oh my god I love this season. And this episode is one of my favorites. It reminds you that Dee is a victim but also a horrible, self-centered person, and a hilarious character

Lee Dellbridge

Definitely a top tier episode. Kaitlin Olson really showed her acting chops here as a degenerate.


this whole season is just banger after banger. most solid season imo! i’m excited