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Bojack Horseman 3x10 REACTION

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YAY, also are you okay? And its fine this show is very emotional, I can relate to it especially in the later seasons. I am glad it got to do all 6 season and didn't' end for being too dark like Morel Orel. Look forward to more in the future.


Honestly nobody has asked me if I am ok in a long time lol, I'm alright, taking one day at a time, thanks for asking though means a lot


They there Geordie Nerd, I hope things are well with you. Your reactions can always brighten my day, especially when I'm in a rough patch as I've been recently. If you watch this episode again, keep an eye out for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, now apparently no longer teenagers and working for the Hollywoo Water Department. Keep up the good work! We all appreciate you and even though we're just internet buddies across the pond, I feel like I have a friend to watch these shows with, and it really helps. I may sound corny or mushy, but I think you're a good egg and I thank you for what you do.