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Archer 9x3 reaction

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What a creep, luckily non-coma dream Cyril is way less creepy. Pam on the other hand had no problem trying to bone Cyril when he was passed out, and I think Ray successfully did. Jokes on him though since he got sleep messed with by an octopus, along with Cyril while Pam taped it... dude just can't catch a break in any reality huh?


Occasionally things slip out. The important part is sticking it back in the right hole 🕳


Such a dumb thing for me to know off the top of my head... So "la route" is "the road" in French but you kinda pronounce it "la roo". The joke about "idk isn't it like a sauce or something?" is "la roux" which is also said "la roo" which is a base for sauces in French cuisine. How accurate that is for French speakers, I have no idea. But "route" and "roux" definitely sound the same in English.