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Sunny the horror movie?! 


Sunny 8x3 REACTION

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Jay Willis

two things: 1. Pappy McPoyle is played by the legendary Guillermo Del Toro. 2. Alimony is support for the spouse who can no longer maintain the standard of living they've become accustomed to while married. Historically I believe it was intended for women who were divorced and had no real work history or skills to go out and get a job to care for themselves. In reality, Dennis makes little to no money and they were only very briefly married in the first place. I question whether alimony would actually happen (i wouldn't be surprised if it has though).

Will Fly

Alimony probably wouldn't be granted in this case because their marriage was too short to establish a standard of living...probably short enough to just be annulled. Alimony in general is pretty outdated because it presumes that the man is the provider. If there's anything that Pornhub has taught me, it's that nothing says family love like sticking your brother's cock in your mouth. So Paul...question. When Charlie said he'd drive Dee's car, and got in on the left side of the vehicle, did you have a moment where you thought he was getting in on the wrong side to drive?