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Much like Kenny I also like women with big titties... Er I mean 4 new SP reactions today, lots of content this week 


South Park 2x3 REACTION

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Atlas Shrugged is a real book, it's basically one of the neo cons' ideological masterpieces. It's really hilarious how neo-cons cherry pick her messages. They heap praise on her love of unrestrained capitalism, but as soon as you ask them about her comments about abortion or anything else related to women's rights they think she's a lunatic.

Will Fly

"Atlas Shrugged" is a book that argues the case for extreme libertarianism, by making self-serving cut-throat social Darwinism seems like a virtue. Basically Ayn Rand thinks that a successful society is one who sits back and watches while its weakest members die in ditches...you know...the poor, sick, elderly, disabled, etc. If you're taking movie suggestions, I'm throwing in "The Big Lebowski".

Mr Kitty

"Atlas Shrugged" is basically what the US has become, a dystopian capitalist nightmare. - You should do a poll of movies for reactions. I'd also suggest Monty Python ones if you've not seen them. You seem to enjoy comedy.