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New Actual South Park 


South Park 2x2 REACTION

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Lee Dellbridge

Aye 722 months is a bit more than 13 years like. 47 years more ;)


There's an alien in the background in every episode they've ever made!


Will you be finishing off TGP soon?


I think you should wait to play Stick of Truth until you're deeper into the series. There's a TON of references in the game and most of it's just going to be missed if you start it now.


Agreed. It will be much more enjoyable if you give it several more seasons

David Cleveland

They made a 3 episode arc at the end of season 17 that served as a bit direct lead in to Stick of Truth so that'd be the optimal time to jump into it as far as understanding references is concerned. I'd say at very least skip ahead watch that 3 episode arc before you jump into Stick of Truth if you don't feel like waiting the amount of time it would take you to naturally get through another 15 seasons of South Park.


Strange to be watching this episode now when there’s a big abortion debate going on in America.