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One more episode of this season left 


South Park 1x12 REACTION

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Lee Dellbridge

Barbara Streisand is a scary woman


I guess the references will be easier to get a little more into the show. First season is late 90s i believe. But still funny as heck. Season 2 and the rest is hilarious


If you don't get the various kaiju references I'll give you a quick rundown. Barbra Streisand of course was based off of Mecha Godzilla. Leonard Maltin's kaiju form was based off of Ultraman. Sydney Portier's form was a reference to Gamera (outside of Japan where Gamera was actually pretty well known Gamera is probably mostly known for having been on Mystery Science Theater 3000 many times) and finally Robert Smith was obviously a reference to Mothra.


She haaaaated this episode. Therefor, of course they make fun if her more later, I’d only highly recommend going to wiki and typing in “ streisand effect” for a good laugh.


Not to mention she will also forever be remembered for the Streisand effect. Sometime in the early 2000's a photographer was taking pictures of the CA coastline's cliffside. She got offended because her secondary home happened to be photographed in the photographer's work and sued him for violating her privacy. (Which he didn't, he didn't mention who owned the houses in his pictures as he was just making landscape photos) Her suing him ended up drawing a ton of attention to her private residence and paparazzi flocked there all because of her lawsuit. Her house cold have just been known as a random cliffside house in a coffee table book, but because she thought it was an invasion of her privacy, her privacy became far more invaded. lol