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A poopy Xmas. It seems I have missed an episode i shall go back and watch it 


South Park 1x9 REACTION

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Will Fly

No 1x8? 13:19 Paul - "I did that once when I was a kid." Me - "What? Found your mom's dildo?" lol Sorry, but you walked right into that.

Mr Kitty

I'm not even sure where to start with Cancel Culture. The USA Conservatives and Christians made a "Don't say Gay" LAW in Florida. Which bans all discussion about Sexual Orientation and Gender. So now teachers are removing the MR and MRS from their names so they don't get in trouble with Gender talk. And they can't talk about LGBT in any way, but also Straight isn't allowed to be discussed, because its an Orientation! So that's extra fun. And Alabama is now trying to do that law too.


It is crazy to me that there are people in this world that have never heard of Mr. Hankey

Gemma R

I can't even begin to understand how that law can be made a law. I mean it's a gross violation of human rights and freedom of speech surely. I believe you it's just so sad and frankly rather ridiculous.

Gemma R

Does anyone know if GeordieNerd actually did another playthrough of the South Park games? I would love to watch it if he did.