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Besides the high temperature the inability to talk and the constant cough I am sooooo bored.

Hope you are all well, I'm lying here craving a cream soda and a hug 🤣



You should play elden ring if you haven’t yet, the game is crazy good

Gemma R

Now's the time to binge something on Netflix. I recently watched a show called Making Fun where a bunch of guys had to make these huge insane creations thought up by kids. Yeah it's a kids show but it was hilarious to see the stuff they made. Like bat shit crazy.

Zen Reacts

I was in that same position in October man. Hang in there i know its rough


i’ve been alright, school and work kicking my ass but yeah… hope you get better soon! :)

John Cottengim

Get better mate being sick sucks! Work is kicking my ass lately


Get better bro we NEED some of that South Park! jokes aside, DO get better man! All the best. ♥️

Nikki Sonrisa

dude, I feel you. I tripped over a sewer grate and ruptured my achilles tendon a week ago, so now I'm stuck in bed for the next long while. sending you healing hugs and entertainment from afar! ❤️

David Cleveland

I'm not certain a cream soda would survive a flight from my end of the world to yours but here, have yourself a hug! (> ^_^ )>

Nikki Sonrisa

thanks, buddy! the current prognosis is 3 more weeks 'til back to work. is that quick enough? 😅