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Hey 5 episodes of Sunny for your faces 


It's Always Sunny 7x5 reaction

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Lee Dellbridge

Like buses these episodes lol 5 to enjoy! Although personally Frank's Brother is the worst episode of Sunny in my opinion.

Eddie Midnite

Awesome, did not expect 5 sunnies at once!


worst ep of sunny imo


yeah, i always skip this one when i rewatch.


i have no idea why people dont like this one, i think its hilarious


I love this episode haha


I love how awful this episode is 😅


I think a lot of people don't like it because it handles an uncomfortable truth

Jay Willis

how dare you call Mac fat. He is cultivating MASS!

Luke Trottier

As someone who really likes this episode, I understand why it is polarizing. It's too bad for those who don't care for it, though. Yes, it doesn't 'feel' like Sunny exactly, but IMO their genre depiction/execution shows off their diversity and talent as show creators, and all with our beloved, terrible, terrible characters carrying the plot. I wouldn't want most episodes to stray as far from the formula, but from time to time, I am all for it. Plus, their movie reference heavy episodes are always on point; this one is no different.


I don't hate this episode but I do feel it's on the weaker side. That said, "de-aging" Frank by putting a wig on him and having everyone pretend he's 19 (though he doesn't look a day over 12) is one of the funniest things in the show lol