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Bojack does some Bojacking 


Bojack Horseman 3x5 reaction

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I finally decided to give Bojack a second chance before I found your youtube channebl. After starting a third attempt to enjoy it, this time with you on patreon, I binged heavily for like 2 weeks and landed on the finale of season 4 before I lost interest again. I'm finally ready for the fourth attempt. #thuglife #imrichbitch #lol


Its funny cause the "cool guy" Dan Franco is Diana's voice actress real life husband.


Also on Todd....yeah you're right on the money there. And the mouse with Princess Carolyn made a reference to If You Give a Mouse a Cookie based on a children s book, I am not sure if its as popular in the UK as it is in the US.

EM Jeanmougin

I always took what Bojack said to the bride-to-be to mean basically that she shouldn't be looking for someone who completes her/have too high expectations of the other person because most people are imperfect so you'll never find a perfect person, not so much that she should settle for less than she deserves. It is Bojack though so who knows. Thank you for reacting to all these!


My mom still has the books! If you give a moose a muffin, if you give a pig a pancake, and some others I can't remember ❤ great memories