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New Archer for your faces! 


Archer 7x7 reaction

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All over me face love 😻

Henchman Twenty1

Paul [about not having sex with a man for money]: "So, got meself into a bit a pickle, haven't I?" Well, better than a 'pickle' getting itself into you if you're not really into that sort of thing. Right? ☺ PS: Thanks for the great reaction as always!

Henchman Twenty1

Barbie Zissner, beside being hot, looks like she can also fight. Lana is well skilled in hand-to-hand melee but Mrs. Z put up a good fight. I found that interesting. There are a ton of cultural references in this one. Some pretty obscure. For instance, Archer calls the doorman of the Swindon Hotel "Spirou", a reference to the titular character of a Belgian comic strip who was originally depicted as a bell-boy in his trademark red uniform. For those interested here is a pretty complete list of the references. https://archer.fandom.com/wiki/Double_Indecency#Cultural_References


Looking forward for u to finish this season