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HOLY nips! Was i right?! 



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Henchman Twenty1

I'm going to post my thoughts and comments in multiple posts as it seems that Patreon is more likely to delete them when they are longer. This is only speculation on my part but I do not think that the Blue Morpho/Vendata killed everyone at movie night. He was totally taken aback by the accusation and denied it. Also, that wasn't the only location one could open the cargo bay doors from. Doc accidentally opened them back in season 1 while randomly flicking switches on the bridge (or whatever you call it. Control Room?). It could have been someone there.

Henchman Twenty1

The paperboy announcing movie night in the flashback was a young Bud Manstrong who was shown as an adult on Gargantua 1 in season one ep "Careers in Science". He told Hank and Dean about what happened at movie night. He also survived the station crash landing back to Earth. Just totally wild speculation on my part but I think he might have had something to do with what happened. I'll wait until the end of the season to elaborate further.

Henchman Twenty1

One of my favorite parts was the diner flashback for two reasons. Back in the 80's I worked as a line cook at a restaurant. On Fridays and Saturdays we'd get off work late, about 1:00 AM, so a few coworker friends and I would go hang out at a nearby diner that was open 'til 3:00 AM. You could order from both the dinner and breakfast menu. Fond memories, but we didn't have a Freddy Mercury supervillain in our little group. Also, I love the whole concept of a group of supervillains just hanging out at a diner, paying the check and likely tipping the waitress and nobody pays any special mind to them, like it's just a normal thing. I wish we could see more of them back in the day. I think Laugh Riot was my favorite, not counting Red Death of course. On the back cover of the magazine he held up was an ad for the 1987 Nissan Stanza, which was what Henchman 24 drove before it got wrecked when the cocoon got destroyed.

Henchman Twenty1

P.S.: Yes, Paul. It looks like you were right. Also, your "HOLY nips!" is a bit prophetic... literally. Wait for it. ☺


So that little toy cowboy that the original team Venture stumbled on and broke Jonas with was actually left by Rusty as a child. In s1e2 they briefly show a picture of Rusty as a child playing with two little toy cowboys. One of them he left in the wiring and caused the trouble in that episode, the other one he somehow managed to jam into the PROBLEM (PROgressive Biological Life Extension Module). Another callback I love is Orpheus told The Action Man: "two years and seventeen days... by a stroke", in s1e11

Henchman Twenty1

Yeah. I had thought the creators had just plain forgotten about Dr. Orpheus' prediction, or maybe he meant Rodney's wife, Jeannie, who died sometime before the end of season 5. Nope. Dean had also said that the PROBLEM light had come on just a couple years ago. So this means that only 2+ years have passed since season 1 in the VB universe. Meanwhile it's been about 17 in the real world.


Jonas is actually a trash human being, not just a horrible father


Btw I don't think that the Monarch is Rusty's brother, going by what the og helper bot said it's likely that Rusty might be his clone.

Henchman Twenty1

Maybe. But why didn't the retinal scan thing in the VenTech tower elevator recognize Malcolm as Rusty? I think that was in the episode for a reason. Also, Malcolm is taller and even his arms are longer judging by how poorly he fit into Doc's blue tux at the homeschool prom. It's possible there were some genetic aberrations if he's a clone, and what about JJ being inside Doc? Just my opinions though. Hopefully it will all be settled with the movie.

Filby Pott

Something that just occurred to me right now is that Jonas Sr. might have been the one who planted the computer chip in Manstrong's brain in a failed attempt to take over his body like he wanted to do to Morpho/Venturion.

Will Fly

Paul, you've been saying they were brothers as far back as when Doc was having the weird dreams about eating his twin in the womb. And while that turned out to be JJ, you were predicting that Malcolm and Rusty were brothers from VERY early on. 8:50 I think this is a bigger and more satisfying reveal than them being brothers...we've been toying with that idea for a while. What I love is the huge question of WHY is the Monarch arching Dr Venture...WHY does he hate him so much. It's been asked, most obviously by the moppets who were left frustrated asking "Why can't we get a straight answer?" And although it hasn't been confirmed, it's HIGHLY insinuated that The Monarch hates Rusty because when they were toddlers at a picnic, Rusty took Malcolm's toy truck from him and made him cry...and I REALLY want this whole relationship to boil down to that.

Will Fly

13:00 I love that Venturion/Vendata has a big GOOD/EVIL switch on the back of his head...so comic booky. I love that Dr. Z was a total 70s Studio 54 type coke head swinger.

Henchman Twenty1

Here is something to consider. Kano originally worked for the Blue Morpho. He was shown to be an expert pilot and he was given to Jonas as payment for BM's wife having a kid (likely Jonas'). Then BM "dies" in a plane crash, which I strongly suspect that Jonas had something to do with. Last season Phantom Limb said that someone collected the bounty on BM in '76, the same year as the crash. Would that have happened if Kano had been flying that plane, like he may have been able to do an emergency landing? I think maybe BM refused to continue being blackmailed and/or found out he had been cucked. I also think when Jonas turned BM into Venturion he also erased Malcolm's memories and dumped him back by the plane wreck, but something went wrong which made Malcolm have this hatred of Rusty. That's why he didn't remember that photo he found in Doc's photo album. I think that maybe The Monarch doesn't even know WHY he hates Doc. He just does.


Either way it's a fact the Jonas' self serving actions have ruined the lives of more than just his own family. Although if ur theory is correct then he isn't just an amoral scientist out for purely personal gain, he's the most successful secret evil scientist in the series. So many hidden agendas, screts and pop trivia; why couldn't this series have gotten a proper final season? No way will a movie cover everything.

Henchman Twenty1

I'm sure nobody is still reading the comments this far afterward, but if you are, here is an observation that someone just made on YouTube. A clip was posted of Col. Gentleman first introducing Team Venture to the boys back in the season one episode 'Past Tense'. When Dean goes to shake Kano's hand, Horace warns Dean, "Careful, lad. Those hands of his are strong enough to crush a boulder, yet delicate enough to crush a butterfly." Kano killed Venturion, who was formerly the Blue Morpho. A blue morpho is a type of butterfly. Holy shlit! The foreshadowing is just so deep!

Stephanie Rose Allen

Here's some of my thoughts. Dr. Venture Senior recovered the Blue Morpho's body, but somehow didn't find the Monarch as a child? He was on that same plane, why didn't he die? And how could Dr. Venture not have found him at the site of the crash? For that matter, the Monarch has memories of surviving in wild being "raised" by butterflies. But butterflies can't feed you, or prevent exposure. Here's my theory. Dr. Venture Senior DID find the Monarch, maybe took care of him for a bit, but then something happened so he erased his memories and then dumped him back in the woods. Maybe the Monarch's hatred of Rusty is due to some memories that weren't fully repressed, and the person he REALLY hates is the ORIGINAL Dr. Venture! But because his memories were erased and the original Dr. Venture is dead, his hatred is just directed at the closest thing it has to him, the NEW Dr. Venture (aka Rusty)