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Henchman Twenty1

I got confused when this was on YouTube first yesterday. I thought maybe something went wrong with Patreon or BitChute. I'll definitely check this out when I get back from my pre-op appointment this morning. I'm having surgery on my left foot on Friday as I got a bone infection, and my anxieties are in high gear right now. I HATE hospitals! Thanks, Paul, for getting this up despite your current homefront hardships.

Will Fly

This episode calls all the way back to S1 E2: "Careers In Science".


Bud Manstrong in Careers in Science: "When it gets cold like this, I always remember back when I was a paperboy on this station. I must have been about your age, and on a night just like this, one of the crew just suddenly cracked. He gathered everyone in the hangar for what he called "movie night". And under the flickering light of Burt Reynolds "Sharky’s Machine" he opened the bay doors."

Henchman Twenty1

"Sharky’s Machine" is rated R and Buddy was just a kid back then, so I have some theories about that. I'll elaborate more after episode 3 is up..... "Sharky's Machine"

Henchman Twenty1

I had always suspected that Jonas Sr. wasn't actually dead, just not a disembodied head though. In last season's episode "A Party For Tarzan" (6x7) right after Doc got shot while wearing the Blue Morpho outfit and the Monarch did his misleading "Dr. Venture is dead" monologue it shows H.E.L.P.eR. staring at the Problem light. That was a HUGE foreshadowing for this episode's reveal! Edit: Someone else pointed this detail out on the wiki. I didn't want to take credit for another's keen observation.


if you are having a hard time puting up some shows maybe you should try to pit them up somewhere else i've seen people use MEGA and BreachTV maybe you should try those sites out

Will Fly

This is what is commonly referred to as a spoiler, and is highly frowned upon.


Hah, never seen this uncensored before, Rusty's startled "FUCK!" after Jonas says his name is fantastic


I mean, honestly, with the amount of money it says he's pulling in from patreon, might as well just get a big Google drive or Dropbox account or something, and just throw the video files on there. No need to deal with any video streaming website.


hope your surgery goes well. I'm not religious so I can't offer prayers. But I'll be hoping all goes well.

Red Beerd

How DARE you not post the first three episodes at the same time!! DAMN YOU LOL

Henchman Twenty1

Brock shouting, "What's happening?!", with his hands on his head like that is probably from the movie "Poltergeist" when the teenaged daugher does the same thing when she sees the house going bonkers. Also, how awesome is it seeing the original Team Venture, The Order of the Triad and Pete and Billy all together like that?

Will Fly

Hey Paul, Since you're closing in on the end of The Venture Bros, would you mind me using your platform to help an upcoming YouTuber starting the series? It wouldn't compete with your channel in any way, and I think we all want to see more people fall in love with this brilliant show.