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Trailer Park Boys 4x1 REACTION

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different strains of weed have different kinds of looks, it's like with all plants. It depends on how much exposure to varying degrees of light they get. For someone who doesn't smoke weed anymore for like at least decade I definitely have a good memory for stuff I was told when I was 19. Autism bad short term memory but pretty good long term memory lol

Jacob Morris

I gotchu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8a9eqkSqM8


In this case it's hash (hashish), that's why it's black. You make hash from weed somehow.


This is such a great season and a great opening episode. Also Trevor's actor is the same guy always.


This is really late lol, but the reason the thing they used to play hash (short for hashish) hockey isn't green is just because its not regular weed it's actually a concentrate made from weed. It's(hashish) made by compressing the trichomes from the weed. The trichomes are the most THC rich part of the flower from the plant. Love the videos too by the way!