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Hope this message finds you well, sadly my partner and youngest daughter have covid, they are self isolating my daughter is in my office so i can't make videos for a little while, only thing I can think to do is post my What We Do in The Shadows Reactions if you'd be interested in watching them, again I'm sorry for the inconvenience 

If you haven't seen WWDITS it is all free on BBCIplayer in the UK if you'd like to check it out

Fingers crossed I'll be making content again in a few days and not ill myself! 


Jay Willis

Hope they get well soon! Stay safe!


I wish you all the best of health! My husband and I love What We Do In The Shadows ❤ It always makes my day when you post videos. Trying to get into The Good Place, but I'm only on episode 3. Anyways, good health to you and yours!


Hopefully everyone gets better soon.


Hope they get well soon! And yessssss!! we want what we do in the shadows ;)


time to binge haha. Hope the family feels better soon

Zen Reacts

Im just starting to get over my covid man and it was miserable. Hope they dont have it as bad as i did at least but you gotta take care of em

Henchman Twenty1

Paul, take good care of them and don't listen to some of my crazy countrymen and give them any horse dewormer! Covid is a virus and not a parasite! My brother got covid while in Nepal, of all places. But luckily he was able to get decent medical care and recovered. It took over a month for him to be able to finally get a flight out of there and back home. Just wondering, have you been able to get the covid vaccine, if you don't mind my asking? I got mine back in the Spring and can attest that I have not transformed into an alien or Microsoft cyborg.


Take care of yourself and them, you lovely human. Absolutely no rush, we will be here when you get back. 💗


hope it all goes well with your family and quickly, nothing worse than the worry. sending all available positive vibes your way (ノ°∀°)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆


I hope your family feels better soon. Take Care, and thanks for the What We Do In The Shadows reactions


Best wishes to your family for a speedy recovery.


Wishing your family well for a full recovery, I'm assuming those who are old enough have been vaccinated so it should be ok and I wish them well.


I hope they both feel well soon!


Family comes first man


So sorry to hear about your girls; I hope they get better very soon... Please let them know that a lot of people are rooting for them. 😔


I hope everything works out okay :( Take care my man

John Cottengim

Just you and the fam take care

James Jones

Best of luck to your daughter and your partner. Since it's similar to a flu virus, the basic remedies are the same. Plenty of rest, fluids, and a little extra vitamin C, zinc, and D.


Cant wait for Archer week woooo hope the fam is ok


you guys alive?


He did post a few days ago, TBH I only support for the Bojack Reactions and it's been a while. I don't know what these other shows are lol


Take it easy and take your time! Your family is priority #1 and Covid is no joke! You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers!!!!