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Dennis bagged himself a nutcase 


Its Always Sunny 6x2 REACTION

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Lee Dellbridge

Yeah alimony is having to pay until they remarry. Pretty shitty.

Lady Beyond The Wall

I made you this magnificent elephant. Well, charlie did, but I uploaded it for you. https://i.imgur.com/Dkt3srg.png Don't ever say nobody drew you an elephant! ❤ 🐘

Leigh Bishop

The Marky Mark movie they refer to is called Fear. Its a terrible 90s movie. You should definitely watch it.

Jay Willis

Alimony is basically for spouses who were financially dependent on their significant other during the marriage and have no real way to earn a "reasonable" income. So if your wife stays home and doesn't work, it's unlikely she'll be able to just get a job that will meet her financial needs (especially if there's debts, obligations, medical concerns, etc). It makes sense, but of course there's a lot of nuance and gray areas, it gets abused, etc. The person getting alimony loves it, but if you've gotta pay it I imagine it's the worst thing you've ever heard of. haha

Jay Willis

Oh, and Uncle Jack is the best. He's so weird. I love his obsession with how small he thinks his hands are. It's so funny.