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Lahey is a cop again?! 



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Hope you watch all 12 seasons plus the special episode inbetween season 7 n 8. There is also a Christmas special that's set a few years before season 1.

Luke Trottier

"Don't you get drunk everyday? Isn't it just a normal day?" Ohhh you have nooo idea...

Luke Trottier

At this point of the show Lahey is an interesting character. I say all of this speaking currently - not implying it changes or doesn't change, just, I don't want to talk about future episodes due to spoilers. However I will say: You learn more about him as the show progresses, too. Anyway, back to current: I like how they don't make him an overt 'bad guy' like a caricature, and he has lots of demons (which get egged on by mostly Ricky and others), but at the same time they don't try to make him a redeemable, likeable/misunderstood character, either. He is still the antagonist for sure. And lol, when Julian gets tazed and falls to the ground, I'm pretty sure he didn't spill his drink. I've seen them shooting in real life, lol Julian just refills that glass with cola constantly throughout shooting. Takes some sips, then dumps it to refill it for when they do a scene change, so that his glass is always full in every new scene.

Luke Trottier

The actor who played Lahey by the way was the primarily most experienced actor (I know he did a lot of theatre) out of the cast at this point of the show. Some of the main guys had no real acting experience I believe.