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3rd and final Archer episode 


Archer 6x7 REACTION

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Henchman Twenty1

I've had my suspicions as to why events seem to be becoming more and more detached from reality ever since Archer drowned at the end of season 4. That's all I'm saying... for now. Plus, it's also becoming more like Frisky Dingo, Adam Reed's previous show, which I was not really a fan of. I realize many fans probably watched Archer because of that, but not me. I just liked it for its own merits. The next episode, however, is great! "The Kanes"

Henchman Twenty1

This from the Archer wiki: "Hushpuppies and grits are southern American foods - of which Archer knows their names, locale, but not, ironically, their identity. As Cyril points out, Hush puppies are also a brand of shoes." I live in southeastern New England and we don't have those around here (the food), but we do have clam cakes. Deep fried balls of dough with bits of clam in them. I don't eat seafood though. When I was a kid my mom would make some for me without the clams.


I actually do believe in aliens, just the sheer size of the universe leads to that conclusion. Hell the pentagon videos tend to make think they are real even more. As far as area 51 housing aliens I don't believe that, I mean considering that is where the stealth bomber bomber was designed and test flown makes sense for a ton of ufo sightings in the area by people. I also know that area 51 has something to do with hazardous materials because of FOI documents about workers who sued the government due to exposure to hazardous materials back in the 90s. I mean my opinion is if an advanced alien species saw Earth they'd be curious but find us very militaristic and violent and probably not be interested in making contact with. I mean that's from a human perspective but I think my point makes sense. I mean honestly I believe there's alien life just in our solar system, maybe nothing advanced but at least microbial and possibly animal like life in some places like Ganymede and Europa. Hell Mars might have microbial life on it if we get a chance to collect a water sample from it.


I live in the south east and what Cyril said was right on the nose. The best way to describe a hush puppy is picture cornbread, I'm sure you are more likely familiar with cornbread, and instead of baking it you just make deep fried balls of the dough. It actually dates back to slavery times as something the slaves were fed because it's cheap and easy to make. They actually do taste pretty good but I mean they are unhealthy as hell. Honestly a lot of southern cuisine was due to slavery, it's dark but it's true. Funny enough I do like some seafood, but I'm not a fan of fish. Mostly it's because I'm autistic and my sense of taste is odd. I will eat some fish, but it's mostly saltwater fish, you know like fish stick or fish and chips style, I have tried dolphin fish, or Mahi Mahi (completely different animal that the actual dolphin, as it's a fish and not a mammal.)

Henchman Twenty1

It's all about the timescale and vast distances between the stars and radio waves only traveling at the speed of light. My favorite answer to the Fermi Paradox is that the current estimated age of the universe is about 13.8 billion years. Humans have only existed for a fraction of a second on that time scale and modern technology for a fraction of that fraction of a second. The odds of us existing at the same time as other civilizations within range is extremely small and unlikely. Also, if they survive long enough they become so advanced we'd never know they were there unless they wanted us to see them. We already have stealth technology. If the aliens had the ability to travel the vast cosmic distances they could study us from afar just like how we can detect extra solar planets and even determine what they are like, and supposedly before this decade is out we'll be able to tell if any of them can support life. As much as I loved Star Trek (not the kelvin movies or the new shows) we won't have to actually fly to a star system to explore it and see what is there.


Speaking of Frisky Dingo, Simone at the beginning of this episode is from that show. Still looking for those kick pants.