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The Venture Bros 6x2 REACTION

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The ball is a prop, it just means a lot to Billy. The thing about pop culture references is that the nostalgia can greatly enhance the experience of the media or if the person hasn't heard of it, totally ruin the moment and make it fall flat. The ball holds a lot of sentimental value for Billy enough that he'd trade most of what he owns to a guy he hates for it, which nobody but him and maybe his archenemy might understand why. Does that count as a metaphor?


Nah, it's not that the pirate is in mourning, it's that the Monarch and 21 shot him with a tranquilizer in the last episode, bringing back his addiction to tranquilizers that we last saw in The Lepidopterists, season 3. He must have kicked it previously due to not having access to any on Spiderskull Island, and the Monarch and Gary ruined that with one shot. And yeah, the entire Pete and Billy plot was just a bunch of references to 80s music and culture. I'm sure it's fantastic to people who are familiar with that stuff, but not so much to everyone else.

Henchman Twenty1

There is clip on YouTube from The Lepidopterists where the Captain first wakes up after getting darted and then is being a dick to Sally and someone commented, "Tranquilizer darts are addictive? Now I feel sorry for all those guards in MSG" [Metal Gear Solid]. Good point. No one ever considers those consequences and the costs of rebab. Poor guys, and I bet they only make minimum too.


As far as the Jonas Jr. crawling on the ceiling is a reference to Trainspotting


As far as selling Conjectural Technologies to Venture Industries that's a brilliant way of writing to bring Billy and Pete with them.

Will Fly

Watch this, and tell me you don't wish you grew up with Mr. Rogers. https://www.misterrogers.org/watch/

Henchman Twenty1

Fond memories. I grew up within broadcast range of WGBH Boston, the flagship station for PBS in the days long before cable TV and digital streaming. You had to make sure the aerial antenna was facing in the right direction to get a clear picture. Who knew at the time just how far poor Henrietta Pussycat would fall? St. Cloud is just so vile and depraved!

Henchman Twenty1

The paintings on the walls of Wide Wale's home are actual paintings. Hey, that Art History class I took back in college paid off! I think most of the paintings in this show are real. Show Co Creator Doc Hammer is an artist himself.

Henchman Twenty1

Okay, third attempt at posting this comment. I don't know why it keeps getting deleted. I'm going to slightly edit it this time and split it into multiple posts. Sorry. The Pirate Captain sporting the black turtleneck a la Steve Jobs is a great touch. Apparently the ol' Cap'n has a knack for business management on top of being a fake ghost pirate. Now that's a diverse resume!

Henchman Twenty1

The tranq intervention was taken from a scene in the movie 'Trainspotting', which I have not seen. One of the characters was trying to break an addiction. I got that from the VB wiki. The other pirate sitting atop the wardrobe cabinet was a hallucination of a member of his crew in the season 1 episode 'Ghosts of the Sargasso'. He was one of the unlucky two who had to search Brock for the keys to the Venture's boat. He is referred to in the credits as Mass Pirate, as in from the US State of Massachusetts, hence that accent. "Aw, pally, you're like a wickid bad pirate!" Yes, some MA residents really speak like that.

Henchman Twenty1

You are mostly correct, Paul, about The Monarch's home. Waaay back in season 1 The Monarch told Dr. Girlfriend how his parents died* in a plane crash in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, which he survived. The mansion has apparently been left abandoned since, not counting those Revenge Society squatters.

Henchman Twenty1

Fallen Archer pays off Wide Wale, so it's a protection racket then. Nice twist! Wide Wale says that the good ship Venture is "going on a Nantucket Sleigh Ride". This referred to when whalers in longboats would harpoon a whale and it would try and get away pulling the longboat along with it. Nantucket is an island off the coast of Massachusetts and was known for whaling. I've lived in Southern New England my whole life and have never been there.


I can't shake the idea that Wide Wale's valet is modeled after Pete Postlethwaite's character Mr. Kobayashi from The Usual Suspects. I can't for the life of me figure out why they would have done that, though. Unless they are suggesting that Wide Wale is Keyser Soze maybe?

Henchman Twenty1

This is from the Venture Bros. wiki: Augustus St. Cloud says without the "Please, Please Tell Me" ball Spandau Ballet never would've written "If You Leave" to inspire John Hughes. On the DVD commentary for this episode Doc Hammer admits that he accidentally wrote down "If You Leave" (a song by OMD) when he meant to write down the Spandau Ballet song "True" in the episode script. "True" appeared on the soundtrack to the 1984 John Hughes film Sixteen Candles, starring Molly Ringwald.

Henchman Twenty1

I was doing some research for the VB wiki to see if the name Badhul was from some pop culture thing. It is a surname from India and the region and is the name of a researcher at an Indian university who has co-authored a number of papers regarding diseases in aquarium fishes. Just an odd coincidence.