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Venture Bros 6x1 REACTION

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Henchman Twenty1

Hell YEAH! Been waiting (patiently) on this! Season Six is my favorite season. It's one big story arc rather than a bunch of stand alone episodes that are sorta connected. More comments to come once I watch this!

Henchman Twenty1

Okay, where to begin? The Monarch is in the house his parents owned before they died* in the plane crash when he was a kid and was then "raised" by monarch butterflies. Brock is indeed 100% back! That's why I suggested you not watch the season six trailer at the end of the epilogue. I wanted you to be happily surprised. You gotta at least feel a little bit sorry for Hatred though. He was totally loyal to the Ventures and even quit the OSI at the end there to still watch over them. He's not going anywhere. The Cap. America guy is called Stars and Garters after an old expression "Oh my stars and garters". Never heard it before. He was also the big blond guy that threw his energy drink at the Brown Widow. He's a professor on campus. BTW: The Brown Widow's webbing comes from a gland just above his butt, like a real spider. The Archer dude is Fallen Archer, hence the feet arrows. Fallen arches, get it? The Wonder Women lady is Warriana. As Brock pointed out while bound with her truth lasso she only has one breast. The mythology of the Amazon women warriors suggested that some had one breast removed to better use a bow so the booby don't get in the way.


When I first saw this episode I thought Wide Whale's condition was for Dr. Mrs. the Monarch to sleep with him, turns out what he really wanted would piss her husband off way more.


I have to agree with Brock, who cares about the breast thing? She's still hot and awesome, also might be the perfect person to break Molotav's sinister hold on his heart/genitals.

Henchman Twenty1

The kingpin type supervillain is Wide Wale, spelled W-A-L-E, not whale. That's not a typo. Wide wale is a ridged type of fabric such as corduroy, which his suit was made out of, hence the swoosh-swoosh sound when he was walkling. Gotta love the double meanings in this show. In case you missed it the deal he made to join the council of 13 was not sex with Sheila but he is now Dr. Venture's official arch enemy, meaning The Monarch just lost his arching rights to Rusty (again). Doc is now in the big leagues. Top tier. That's why Brock is back.

Henchman Twenty1

Sorry to hog the comments section. I just have a lot to say about my favorite show ever. I love how 21's relationship with The Monarch is evolving. He's much more assertive and even calls out his boss when he suggests something stupid. It's more like they're partners or a duo than in a henchman/master relationship thing, especially noticeable at the end of the elevator (lift) scene. When The Monarch and 21 were reconnoitering (that is a weird word) outside VenTech Tower they were disguised as New York city street performers. 21 was dressed as an actual guy called "The Naked Cowboy". The dude even has his own website and does bookings and such. You can sometimes spot him on the Times Square live cams on YouTube. Watch out though. If you take your picture with these people they demand money, and some can get downright surly if you refuse. Getting cussed out or beat down by an Elmo isn't how you want to remember your trip to The Big Apple.


Not sure why it's not on youtube, but they released an online only season 6 premiere epilogue. Here's the link- https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=10153810359556745

Henchman Twenty1

Aww, sweet! I forgot about that. It was cut for time, I think. If you note the news story Dean was reading it says that Hatred was nearly hit by the falling jBot after H.E.L.P.eR shoved it off the rooftop. Love Hank's new ♫ JACKET ♫.

Will Fly

VenTech Tower is on Columbus Circle, which is a real location in NYC. And that "looming black phallus" across from VenTech Tower is Trump Tower. That's not what it's called on the show, but that's what it is. So it's fitting that "It's turgid with the city's nastiest super-villains, and it's got a rape-on for super scientists...", as Warriana put it. Also, Warriana is voiced by Kate McKinnon. And yes, there's definitely some Kingpin in Wide Wale, but I think he's based more on Tobias Whale.


Dude, don't worry about it. Your comments are my second favorite thing about these reactions. Well -- maybe third, after my comments. Nope, yours are second.

Filby Pott

lol, the feet thing is because Fallen Archer is a parody of Green Arrow, who used to use boxing glove arrows to knock out bad guys