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Bobs kidnaps a guy, just not on purpose 


Bobs Burgers 2x7 REACTION

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Reminds me of Season 4 Episode 8 of It's Always Sunny


wait wait wait, you mean Suicide Squad, The Suicide Squad movie is the upcoming one directed by James Gunn that actually looks pretty good. lol 😉


Patton Oswalt is the moody foody, he's a great comedian. If you haven't seen his standup it's great.


So happy you got the Reservoir Dogs reference, it's one of Tarantino's best early work, I honestly like it better than Pulp Fiction. I finally did sit down and watch Once Upon A Time Hollywood and it was good, though the ending is rather dark if you read between the lines.

Will Fly

Yeah, Patton Oswalt...very funny dude. Glad you caught the Reservoir Dogs reference. Also, I think you've already seen it, but there's a Sunny episode very similar to this. And I was really worried you were about to defend Suicide Squad.


That's what I posted when he reacted to that episode of Always Sunny because I thought he'd already reacted to this episode of BB. I sometimes forget how early in this series we still are.