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got a few things coming today! 


Archer 6x1 REACTION

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Lee Dellbridge

Fingers crossed for Sunny and The Good Place


Paul's reaction to Pam needing urinal cakes had me actually do a spit take 😂

Henchman Twenty1

Yikes! Paul, it sounds like you could use a shot or three of that Cobra Whiskey that Archer had. I loved Ray's desperate little plea of, "No! Bring it back!", when Cheryle/Carol shuts off the office of the future hologram. Poor Mallory...


Like Archer mentioned the 6 Million Dollar Man did this, but there was an actual case of a guy from the Japanese army having been lost on an island for like 29 years having not known the war had ended. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6rOSe3EsdM