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Well I didn't expect this! 


Sunny 4x11 REACTION

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The witch trials were earlier, but slavery was still a thing. (I live in the city named after the Marquee De Lafyette, the only one he ever visited, but was basically a major hero of the Revolutionary War (he was the one who was a connection to gain the assistance of the French armada, and an adopted son of George Washington, and was a big proponent of the abolishment movement. Actually if you look back he was America's first celebrity from abroad.) Sorry, history buff here.


As I'm sure you grew up on Horrible Histories, which sadly in the US I did not, but I had a teacher who taught us how flawed an basically human our founding father's were told us actual facts about history and just how messed up it is sparked my interest. lol Not to mention there was a great TNG Episode that spoke to history is written by the victors episode I recall. I tried to look it up, but can't find it. It's basically an alien race escape into some time/space portal to avoid being conquered an the crew learns this after beaming onto the planet. (like the alien race had been perceived as dangerous threats but really sought peace. Hoping maybe for some hardcore Trekkie fans lol) I hope if you ever have the free time, check out Drunk History, it's from Comedy Central so I think most likely it airs on Channel 4. (I'm kinda learning British TV lol


I can't really offer much sympathy for your heat wave there in the north of England, sitting, as I am, in the middle of Texas. Sorry. Edit: Although, after a little reflection I can see how it might be worse for someone who isn't used to the heat all the time. So, yes, you have my sympathy. Load off your mind, right?

Will Fly

I love that this is an awkward American vs British thing. Were we revolutionaries, or were we traitors? That's the weird crazy thing about history...history always has winners, and the winners always write history. I'd love to know how you see it all. The funny thing about the Salem Witch Trials is that burning women at the stake was never a thing. "This is kinda ridiculous". My man, this is very ridiculous. This is America. The story of how we came to be is insane. It's amazing that people like George Washington are considered heroes because we won. But if we had lost, he'd be remembered as a traitor.