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Sorry for the lack of videos, had a trip to the hospital due to a bad back from a fall, I'm back now and high as balls on pain killers more content to come! 


Archer 4x7 REACTION

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Henchman Twenty1

This is just one of the reasons why I personally wasn't crazy about season 5. Pam is just becoming unlikable. She was one of my favorite characters on the show, and I get that this is intentional, but still. Even Archer comments on this fact.


I love the next episode


Hope you are feeling better.


I love the fact they throw the CIA under the bus for a ton of shady shit they did, and are still likely doing.


Sadly, even though he clearly resembles the awesome Danny Trejo, he didn't voice him. I love seeing Danny Trejo show up in shows and movies, he's an awesome guy, seriously read about his history it's awesome.


That one guy asked "What do you have in there (the red beret), buckles?"


Comments like this are why there is always an inconspicuous vehicle parked outside your home.....