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The Venture Bros 5x4 REACTION

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Henchman Twenty1

Yes! One of my favorite episodes of the season and overall in my top 10 or 15 likely. Now if I can only get it to play. Bitchute is having issues.... [Edit: Now it's working] When your kidnappers care more about you than your own father does. Poor Rusty. Despite the fact that we see Georgios counting money at the end I still like to think that he and the islanders actually do like Doc and it's not all just a scam. It does bring some merriment and festivities to their otherwise dreary lives. When Georgios is counting money out loud at the end he counts, "2002, 2003, 2004". The Venture Bros. was greenlight by Adult Swim in the year 2002, the original pilot, "The Terrible Secret of Turtle Bay', first aired in 2003, and the series proper debuted in 2004. I figured that out as I suspected those numbers probably meant something. These guys really have their history down. At the same time that Jackie Kennedy was in Greece to get married to Aristotle Onassis, author and cult leader L. Ron Hubbard and his fleet of the faithful were anchored off the coast on some world tour. While there he had his flagship rechristened as "Apollo". Also, as mentioned, the Apollo VII splashdown occurred, but it was actually a day or two later. And when the motor boat pulls alongside the X-2 at the beginning of the episode, if you look closely you can see The Monarch's parents. We also saw them in that photo that The Monarch swiped from Doc's photo album in the last episode, so there is an association here. This was indeed in part a parody of the 1981 Clash of the Titans movie. In the dream sequence the original Team Venture are depicted as Greek gods on Mount Olympus: Colonel Gentleman is Dionysus, god of wine/fertility/theatre. Jonas Venture Sr. is Zeus, king of the gods. Kano is Hephaestus, god of blacksmiths and volcanos. The Action Man is Hades, god of the dead and king of the underworld/afterlife. The St. Cloud / Kraken was animated by the guys who make Robot Chicken. They are fans of this show and Seth Green has done a couple voices in other episodes. The white head-to-toe caftan with cowl, wide brimmed straw hat, parasol, and heavy sunblock Pete White wears when stepping off the X-1 is the same costume worn by Marlon Brando as Dr. Moreau in the 1996 film version of The Island of Dr. Moreau.

Will Fly

I guess you don't know the robot Dr Jonas Venture was fighting ("Go to Hellron, L Ron!" which is a terrible joke). That was L. Ron Hubbard, who was a sci-fi writer and later started a religion (cult) called Scientology that's based on the idea that an evil alien overlord came to Earth and threw ghosts in a volcano or some dumb shit. Anyway, Tom Cruise and John Travolta are big into it. I think the part where Billy and Pete are tied down and the sun is rising is based on a scene from "Interview With the Vampire", but I don't know for sure. I love that St Cloud's albino is named Pei Wei, which is just Pete White without the T's. And now you know the unofficial VB fan greeting...SPANAKOPITA!!

Henchman Twenty1

For about two weeks after this episode aired me and a coworker would throw our arms up in the air and shout, "Spanakopita‼", at each other every time we'd cross paths in the hallways. He also does a decent St. Cloud impersonation. There were a couple of South Park episodes that explained the whole Scientology mythos pretty well. The late Isaac Hayes (Chef) also got suckered into it and he quit the show after the Tom Cruise episode. It really does sound like the work of a science fiction author, which it is. But when you think about it it's really not much more screwy than most mainstream religions.


When Col. Gentleman finds out that Hubbard was really after something to do with the Apollo mission he says "Wally's on that flight!" He's mentioned some unspecified, but deeply emotional, relationship with American astronaut Wally Schirra in past episodes.. Although maybe it was specified, because I think one time he said something about a three-way with Gore Vidal and Wally Schirra.