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My god that picture^ 


Archer 5x6 REACTION




Wait this is episode 5x9 lol

Henchman Twenty1

I'm sort of in the minority in that I didn't like season 5 as much as 1 through 4. I get that they couldn't use the name 'ISIS' anymore and that Adam Reed wanted to change things up, but to quote Sterling from an upcoming episode, "I'm not a big fan of change", with some exceptions. What I AM looking forward to is the next couple episodes of The Venture Bros. as they are my two favorites from season 5, and probably in my top 10 or 15 of all time. It's tough to make a top whatever list for a show with so many great episodes!


OK, so I never thought of "Highway to the Danger Zone" as having anything to do with Archer's preferred sex act. And now, I will never be able to unthink it. Thank you, Geordie Nerd.


That is absolutely Kenny Loggins, as anyone who played a lot of GTA V can attest. Danger Zone was such a crappy 80s piece of fluff from the movie Top Gun. God, I hated that song. But this version of it is just so damn good. And I love that Kenny Loggins was involved with it.


Paul, 6 and 9 are interchangeable...hehe 69..hehe.


Ok, the Kenny Loggins Roasters was a joke because Lana still didn't know who he was because she mixed him up Kenny Rogers, a country singer who opened a rotisserie chicken chain called Kenny Rogers Roasters.


That picture at the top reminds me of some show where every time the main character had their picture taken they had that same expression on their face. But I can't remember what show it was. It's right on the tip of my brain, but I can't remember right now. I can't even remember if the character was a man or a woman.


To any other Americans out there whoever actually ate at Kenny Roger's Roasters, the main thing I remember loving from them was their cornbread. Rotisserie chicken isn't exactly hard to find lol. For my friends across the pond if you can look up how to make a creamed corn cornbread, it might also be described as a creamed corn pudding. I may not take much pride in my locations' history, the south east, though I was born and lived half my childhood in Alaska, I've lived in North Carolina long enough to know the one thing the south has done well is cooking.