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I've been spending time with the kids and then unwell BUT I'm back and I have lots of content coming today! Sorry again about the wait  


Henchman Twenty1

To quote Parker Lewis, "Not a problem". Family and health first! Hey, I'm getting my first covid shot on Tuesday, then four weeks later will be shot #2.

Zen Reacts

Dont sweat it man, cant wait to see more RWBY your just about getting to the point where it things pick up

Luke Trottier

I can't wait for you to get to Season 2, episode 4 of The Trailer Park Boys. No spoiler - just, ... remember in Always Sunny, the season 2 episode where they are doing community service? And the kids brawl on the court with the vietnamese gamblers smoking in the bleachers? IMO That was the episode sunny first fully hit their stride and founded their formula. IMO Trailer Park Boys S2E4... You already observed the show has "heart". This is the episode where they establish the full reach and tone of that aspect oft the show, imo.


All good man. Looking forward to some more TPB! Nobody else reacts to it, so its a very nice treat!


How dare you spend time with your loved ones and look after your personal health!!! Jus kidding, totally understandable. We all love ur reactions but wouldn't wish for any tremendous decline to ur overall happiness or well being.


Can't wait for more Sunny and TPB!


*scratches neck like crackhead* I need my archer reaction fix


take your time man. im a new patron but i love your channel and videos. your laugh is fucking contagious even with shows ive watched through 10 times over. if youre in a good state of mentality and health that obviously increases the quality of your videos tenfold. so dont feel the need to apologize. if you take a break it benefits all of us :)


I don't get it... Why are you apologizing for spending time with your kids, LOL? That's just what a good dad does, right? So, good job there, friend! 😄👍

James Park

The internet is a crazy and wild place. I imagine SOME disrespectful chap out there is fuming about it.