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Sorry I've been radio silent, I had my Covid Vaccine on Thursday and it took it out of me, i was a wreck haha, BUT I am back and recording, I'll have lots of stuff up this week for you all! So look out for it, first videos will be up tomorrow see you then! 



I feel ya! I got my vaccines already as well and i remember my arm was so sore and I was so tired! I think I slept a good 16 hours 😂 Glad you're feeling better 💪🏽 and looking forward to the reactions coming up 😁


Can’t wait for season 5 of archer!!


Here comes Sunny!


so long as you're reet, it's all reet! =D


Glad to hear you've gotten protected! I'm still waiting for my turn; it's very difficult to get COVID vaccines where I'm at (Chicago) because there are several hundred-thousands of people who have been on a waiting list for the vaccine for half a year, or longer, so the vaccines get used almost immediately as they arrive in the city. Anyway, now it's time for you to take it easy for a while, get your strength and energy back, and we'll see you whenever you're good to go, friend! 😃👍


Glad you're OK, Marvin hagler one of the best fighters of all time died a couple of days ago to it


Glad to hear you got the jab!


I just got my first one a few days ago and was a little sick for the first day and then was fine, hoping it won’t be too bad with the second! But we’ll worth it.