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The final episode of Season one is here! 

Just wanna say a HUGE thanks for all the support this year, to all the patrons, old and new! You're all awesome, VB is still rendering (Bitchute sucks) I'll get it up ASAP 


Its Always Sunny 1x7 REACTION




Season 2 is almost here. I'd say Danny DeVitos' character isn't only my favourite character in the series, but one of my favourite characters in all of television.


Ah, the McPoyles.

Luke Trottier

I like your take on Dennis. I can't remember if I had that thought or not at this point of the series. I did, though, think that he had the darkest or most sinister side in some of his hijinks; calculated and cold. Which of course are big signs. As for Mac, at this point of the series (I only specify that as to point out that any time I will give my opinion about characters, events, etc. I will share my thoughts originally at that stage of the show, and if spoilers are potentially relevant for anything, I will avoid those details, relevant spoilers may or may not be a factor in some things I will say in general) I think he was legit so friggin insecure and seeking validation to the extent that he would do that, and be jealous. That is some next level insecurity and seeking of approval right there. I loved your laughing in this episode, same parts as me and same feelings I had. Also, yeaaah Charlie's Uncle Jack is mad creepy! My jaw was dropped during that. And I give kudos to the school teacher for being kind enough to have that chat with Mac and offer him validation that he is so desperate for. Even if he thought Mac was a creepy ****, he knows he is clearly super damaged and was nice enough to give him that. BTW, that's the actor who played Mr. Belding, the principal is the sit-com Saved By The Bell!

Filby Pott

"Is Mac gay or does he just need attention?" Yes.

Filby Pott

A friend of mine described the show this way and I couldn't agree more: "The true tragedy of Always Sunny is that as dysfunctional and toxic as The Gang are, it's also the healthiest group dynamic any of them have ever had."


I saw Westworld way after I saw this show, and it was so jarring seeing Liam McPoyle as William