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Its Always Sunny 1x6




Hm, video won't load for me =/ EDIT: I had my VPN turned on, which was blocking it - turning it off made the video work (ta Zoot! for making me try again =P)


Works fine for me both downloading and streaming on the site.


Yeah the slur Pop-pop uses is a hiiighly anti-semitic term - from the little I know, it's like the equivalent of the n-word for jewish people


? I'm from the States and I have only known pop-pop(papa's papa) to be an endearing term for your grandpa. Couldn't find anything on google about it being offensive.

Will Fly

"Pop Pop" isn't the term in question. It's "kike", which is a terribly offensive antisemitic term.

Will Fly

A lot of Nazi officers scattered throughout the world after the war to avoid trial. There are some who live in the US.


Oh yeah. A whole Ukrainian Waffen SS division was moved into Canada.

Mike B

I can't get this one to stream at all :/


Yeah I think it’s basically the N word for Jewish people


I've totally floated the idea that there should be an Indiana Jones movie where former Nazis in South America have the "Spear of Destiny" and are trying to resurrect the 4th Reich. The spear of Destiny is supposedly the one holy artifact Hitler managed to obtain. Definitely sounds better than aliens. (don't get me wrong, I love the concept o aliens and believe we are not alone in the universe, they just don't fit with Indiana Jones.)