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HEY VB Bros and Sisters! An all new episode for your faces! 

Thanks for the patience I appreciate it!


The Venture Bros 4x5



Owen Kosik

Good to see you back buddy! Knew I could count on you!


The Red Mantle is awesome, and comes back a lot. The creators said the both voices were their version of a drunk Sir Alec Guiness from different periods.


Red Mantle and Dragoon are Buddy Holly and The Big Bopper, who apparently didn't die in a plane crash like they did in the real world. Along with Bowie that's why Phantom Limb referred to the Guild at one time being for washed up rock stars.


Great episode! A subtle joke in this episode- in his flashback, Dragoon said it was "February 16, '59", which the Quizboy misheard as "February, 1659." Leading to the confusion between them, and why Red Mantle and Dragoon were in minstrel outfits at first. Word play!


Also "Doctor Venture from the future" was a massive troll by the creators, who put that scene in the teaser for the season, but didn't include the reveal that it was the Sovereign! They also included parts of Dean's progressive rock "acid trip" leading to a lot of fans expecting a big time travel story.

Red Beerd

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yes!!!!!