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Sorry to let you all down but my laptop has died, I've tried all night to get it working again but I can't do it, I've contacted my insurance and they are going to try fix the issues.

I've been told that could take up to 2 weeks. I totally understand if you don't want to support my patreon during this time, I can still live stream and will be playing South Park on PS4 if people want to check those out, if not I'll be back hopefully in a couple of weeks

Sorry again everyone


Gemma R

I'm so sorry to hear about your laptop but these things happen I'm sure everyone will understand. ❤ Looking forward to watching you play South Park it's soooo funny 😂.


Damn that sucks. I guess always have some sort of backup option available! No worries though, I'll stick around.


That blows. Is your twitch the same name as YT?


No sweat; I stopped counting how many laptops/computers died on me for no reason, and either out of nowhere, or at the worst possible time... Isn't modern technology wonderful? 🙄😑 😅 Anyway, like I said, don't stress over it; it's just a couple of weeks, it'll go by in a flash, and we'll all be here to welcome you back, when you're ready to go again. 😃👍


And now for some good news - Archer just got renewed for a 12th season. Woohoo!


Hope your computer is fixed soon and your luck gets better!