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I'm back and well... I'm just back with more VB, i don't know why the picture is Red Hood i updated it but it won't change! Go Team Venture! 






Another great episode! One little callback to a previous episode is The Monarch talking about his cat, Mr. Mostly Mittens. He was mentioned in a season 2 episode, where 21 and 24 are talking, and they say something about how 21 got drunk and fell on, and thus killed, Mr. Mostly Mittens accidentally. Can't wait until you get to the next episode, it's one of my all time favorites!


I mean, to be fair, the boys died a LOT while Brock was their bodyguard. So far they haven't died once with Hatred on guard.

Will Fly

Yep, this is the 14th or 15th iteration of the boys, so as badass as Brock is, there's only so much he can do. It's not so much a matter of "Brock was better than Sgt Hatred" (which he was), but more the fact that the clones are gone.

Will Fly

And YAY!!! You referenced my comment about the clones! That's exciting, and made my day. It makes me feel like an official authority on the subject of The Venture Bros. That said, I want to point out a few things at the risk of seeming over-eager. 1) I've wanted to know forever: what is "rocket and sunchoke" (the gross food). I'm convinced I'm spelling that wrong, but I don't know how else to spell them. 2) I was curious about the idea of recovery from pedophilia as well. Apparently, it's a lot like how AA views alcoholism...if you're a pedo, you'll always be a pedo. BUT, you can go to therapy and take medication that helps suppress sexual urges (which doesn't pinpoint pedophilia, but suppresses their sexual drive altogether). ..basically, it just inhibits the production of testosterone. I only know this because I was curious about Sgt Hatred's creep-out factor as well. But Sgt Hatred is trying. He wants to get past his pedophilia and be a good person. 3) Dude...talk about your life when its relevant to the show. I don't want your whole life story, but the peaks into your personal life are nice. And if something in the show sparks something from your personal life, then by all means...share. 4) I don't think 21 is brainwashed or emotionally lifting weights in the same way that we eat our emotions. I think 24's death just gave him a clear focus and purpose...to avenge his best friend. 5) I know it's weird to be attracted to a cartoon character...especially one with a baritone voice. But trust me...we're all there. And yes...Chun Li's thighs. My goodness...Chun Li's thighs. 6) I'm not sure that my comment about Patrick Warburton is true. I didn't mean to insinuate that as fact. It was pure speculation. Anyway, you referenced my comments. That was fun. Take care of yourself...blood clots are nothing to scoff at.

Will Fly

#3 Could be misconstrued. I love that you give peaks into your personal life. Part of the reason we watch your channel is because we like you. I think you give a perfect amount of yourself to the channel. It doesn't bother me a bit. On the other hand, I think a lot of people are annoyed at the Dean/Dave thing. I think people would be more open to it if you were discovering the show with us; but we've had this show for nearly 20 years, and it comes across to some as presumptuous to assign a nickname when you're the new guy. I personally have no problem with it, but I get why some do. Do whatever you want with that info. I'm just trying to be a pal.

Will Fly

Hey dude, you still alive?


Hey, yes I'm still breathing, just trying to get my laptop sorted out. I am hoping to have it back early next week and I'll be immediately making content because I'm super bored haha.