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I won't be able to make videos for today, I have a suspected blood clot in my calf I am waiting on a blood test to confirm, hopefully everything is OK and I'll be back tomorrow! 



Damn the vids man, I hope you're all right! ... Get yourself looked after, and relax; we'll all be here when you want to start again.

Dead Man Talking

Just get better and stay healthy! The videos don't matter if you're not able up to them! We love you man, just get better.


Get well! We need you around. Don't mess with a blood clot.


Damn. I hope everything is ok.


Just be happy they caught it while it is still in your calf. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Oh no! I hope you will be okay. Feel better soon and I hope the clot is cleared up with no danger or complications! <3