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All new Archer 

All the shows you love are coming this week! 

Thanks to the new patrons you're all awesome! 






As a Canadian, this episode is hilarious. Sorry there eh? The main bad guy is voiced by Ricky from Trailer Park Boys, a Canadian icon. Now there's a show you might like. Babou makes another appearance, always awesome. He's so crepuscular! I don't think I've ever seen a Mountie in uniform in person before. That was a bit of a stereotype :) I've been watching ahead and I'm sorry to say I've noticed way too many scenes where you'll just die laughing. Best prepare yourself for that. Cheers!


Babou! Serpentine!!!!


Also, personally I don't think there is a "bad" episode of Archer. It's just Archer is so so good that some of the episodes are lack luster compared with the awesome ones. It's just that some episodes are so good that, again personally, I expected all the episodes to be just as good. Which is near impossible for a show to pull off. Side note season 11 is awesome so far. But Paul don't skip ahead! Don't skip ahead. No! Bad Paul!