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The Owl House 1x3 unedited!



Your enjoyment of King makes me look forward to seeing you get further in Gravity Falls. Alex Hirsch who voices King does several voices for and is the creator of Gravity Falls. I mean he does Grunkle Stan and Soos, and also a character you'll get introduced to later, you'll know which one the voice is pretty close to King's.

Vincent Rice

Sooo, fun fact: Studies show that your dogs are actually more likely to eat your corpse than your cats! Because, apparently your cat is too picky to eat your dead body! I'm also glad that you liked this episode. This was the episode that hooked me into the series. While it may not be the funniest episode, it did bring in a lot of new characters and conflicts. As Luz said: "Witch Drama!".


ok, random question, you're the only British person I'm in some form of contact with I have a question about how TV works over there, nothing super complex. Just wondering if Channel 4 is like a regular broadcast channel or like a more premium channel. I only ask because I started Toast of London and was surprised by the amount of nudity in it. If it's like a premium channel, well that would line up like here, but if they have that on regular broadcast, that definitely is not something they let broadcast channels get away with here lol. I think all I've ever seen here on broadcast is the occasional butt and one time on some crime drama the chest of a corpse. I've got nothing against it, in fact Toast of London uses it to great comedic effect. Was just curious because I don't know how the broadcast system works there.


channel 4 is a normal broadcast channel, it has no issue showing nudity after 10pm We have more shows with nudity over violence in the UK. We don't pay extra for the channel


Quite interesting. It makes sense though, I like a lot of stuff from channel 4, not just for nudity, I like the comedy on there. As I've said before huge Matt Berry fan. Have you had a chance to see What we do in the Shadows, movie and series? They are hilarious.