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All new VB for the awesome patrons! 

PS The Owl House will be up today! 



The Venture Bros 3x10



Excited for Owl House, it's pretty funny. But you missed something in the episode. When Dr. Mrs, The Monarch was reading out of the guild handbook she stated that since Jonas Venture Jr.'s aggression level was above an 8, and the Monarch survived he is now allowed to arch a guild sanctioned family member... So yeah, the Monarch can now arch Dr. Venture free and clear.


The big robot at the beginning was a parody of Voltron , not Power Rangers. Power Rangers just ripped off Voltron, in a very piss-poor way, lol.

Will Fly

"Twi-ah" for Twitter...gets me every time. And thanks for shaving your beard...I hate it. But it'll be fun to watch it come back in.

Will Fly

Dude, Hechman #1 is just Henchman #1..."Scott Hall". In a world where the 21st and 24th ranked henchmen do everything, they felt the need to explore why the #1 henchman isn't sent on missions. I mean...he is the highest ranked henchman. And of course the highest ranked is going to be a tight-ass yes man who is overly perfect as a henchman, but unbearable as a person.

Will Fly

I'm commenting as I go. But yes, in the states, we loved days when they wheeled in the little TV and VCR. We now look back and joke that those were teacher hangover days. But the reason the little TV was rolled in in this episode is dual. 1) The Monarch's systems were fried by the initial attack on Dr. Jonas Venture Jr, but also 2) Because of the Dark S7 Maneuver....was to tap into JJ's security system to make it look like JJ's team destroyed the cocoon...when in reality, The Monarch pumped in video of his cocoon being destroyed to JJ as the Monarch escaped. So the Dark S7 Maneuver is a cowardly escape plan.


I wouldn't call it a cowardly escape plan, I would call it a very smart plan that leads to The Monarch being able to arch who he really wants, without putting himself or the Cocoon in danger.

Will Fly

He attacked, realized he was outmatched, and retreated.