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Shera 1x4 Unedited reaction

This is "Shera 1x4 Unedited reaction" by The Geordie Nerd on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



You probably missed it when she said it before, but her husband King Micah was one of the first casualties of the Horde.




I agree that quality representation matters. I think She-Ra is definitely in that camp. :) I wonder how different I'd be if there had been more representation I could relate to growing up.


So, in my opinion, as someone who has watched the whole series and loved it, this is the weakest episode of the entire series. I still found it cute and likeable, but it had its on-the-nose-moral, and if the whole show had been like this one episode, I would’ve thought it was fine, but I wouldn’t have been a huge fan. But as you’ve already heard, this show really changes at episode 8. So it you’re already enjoying the “weakest” episode (again, just one man’s opinion) this much, I 100% believe you’re gonna be a super fan by the end!


I don’t want to say anything spoilery, but on the topic of representation, one thing I really appreciate are depictions of worlds where homophobia, sexism, racism, and other forms of bigotry simply don’t exist. Or at least we get to see a group for whom those types of bigotry don’t exist. That’s something I always appreciated a lot about Star Trek. I think it’s important to have content where characters are shown facing the challenges of today. But I also think it’s important to depict the sort of world we are striving for sometimes. To me, that is aspirational and hopeful. Kind of like, “if they can achieve that sort of society, then we can too!”

Gemma R

I won't spoil it for you Paul but I think you will be pleased to know that this show will include an autistic character and it will be handled very respectfully. Also as Rob H pointed out this show is set in a world where different genders, races, sexualities, body types, backgrounds etc are a non issue and all characters are accepted and portrayed for WHO they are not WHAT they are. This to me is the most healthy message media can project to an audience.