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As a huge thank you I'm going to put the finale episode up tonight for you guys an hour before it goes live, It's not much but I just wanted to do something to show how grateful I am for your support guys! 




Hey, it's still something lol. I was willing to chip in on patreon for no benefits lol. 3 of the 4 people I support only do early releases by the most a week or two although one is adding a patreon exclusive show next month. But keep in mind both you and another Patreon I support work full time jobs on the side to support themselves and the other is still in college and doing internships so she as well has limited time and you're reacting to at least the same amount of shows if not more than each of them. (The one with a full time job is only reacting to one atm because Rick and Morty is on hiatus, and she has a super demanding irl job, and the other reviews a few shows I dont follow, just like you as I don't watch Supernatural or Buffy, but it's only because it has so many episodes it's offputting. It's like telling someone to pick up Dr. Who, when they are like me and have to know the backstory... I had to know a decent entry point, and that's hard. Fortunately I found one with the eleventh Doctor and could ease myself in the mythos. lol. Angel I enjoyed because it was super episodic. Supernatural I know I'd love because its former show runner went on to helm Doom Patrol. It's just 15 seasons is monstrous. If they were short seasons like you do in the UK, I'd be all in, but damn we have to make ridiculously long seasons over here if it's not super high budget. 10 to 12 hour long episodes is good. Twenty six episodes max, if even that for a 30 minute episode, and even then I'm leaning towards 16, and that's only if you have the material... 13 works just fine.


Yeah I agree a 22 season show is insane, lots to get through especially with Supernatural as its fifteen seasons! I'm behind on Rick and Morty, need to watch the new season lol


That's why I started watching more British television shows. Still need to finish season 5 of Luther, and catch up more Dr. Who, I've only seen part of Jodie Whitaker's first run it was weird but not bad. But then again it took me a while to warm up to Capaldi too.


I dip in an out of Dr Who. I loved Ten, he's my all time fav and since i have watched it now and again, I like Jodie's doctor but the stories i've seen have been a bit lacklustre