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Micah Spiese

Season 9 is really when they decided Randy is the main character. And we're all better for it.

Bryan Matola

No plot spoilers, They later did a sort-of apology episode about how addiction is real and AA’s “higher power” is more of a shoulder angel that can be anything, not a cult.

Daniel M.

So this is one of those episodes that I think a lot people take issue with because they don't quite understand it. Around this time there was a case making it's way through the courts where a guy as part of his sentence was court ordered to attend AA. His two main objections were that a) he wasn't an alcoholic, and b) because of the "higher power" aspects of AA it was a violation of the freedom of religion. I think what the episode points out is that often times people who aren't addicts are forced into AA. They are lead to believe they are addicts and the treatment is AA, and for them, the treatment isn't right. And for some people, the higher power aspect isn't right either. And also that alcholism isn't a disease, which it isn't. Alcholism like any addiction, is a disorder. There are significant differences, which can be extremely beneficial in terms of understanding and treatment by differentiating the two. I think of it kind of like their Mormons episode. If it works for you great. If you've got your own set of beliefs that work for you, great. But if you are being told you are an addict, and if you are being told this is THE treatment, that's a whole different story.

Bryan Matola

But the “higher power” AA uses is not religious in any way. It sounds like the man who was ordered to attend AA didn’t understand it any better than Matt and Trey did. All the stuff about “it’s your choice, you should be free to do what works for you” is not in the episode at all. It’s stuff that you’ve filled in the blanks with to excuse something that made you laugh. The only message this episode has is “calling something an addiction enables the person who has it, when they could easily overcome it with discipline alone every time.”